Sunday 12 February 2012

My 30th Birthday

The 30th happened... I wasn't on the floor in the fetal position crying, I am very proud of myself.  I looked around and realized I have the best friends in the world.  We had a lovely dinner at the Fireside, lots of drinks at Durty Nellys.... and Meagan made me a baseball cake. I also checked off a list item... the belly button is officially re-pierced. A dude named Jody pierced it at Kara's Urban Day Spa.  Very fitting that his name was Jody.  My best friend Jodi has informed me we are re-creating my 30th birthday in June when she can drink again, maybe i'll get my tattoo then :)
Love all my friends, co-workers and family members for making my 30th birthday amazing! xoxo

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